After the Flood

The club is back to normal and ready for boats to be relaunched. During our flood "vacation," the geese and herons took refuge on the club grounds.  

On June 23, 2024, the majority of boats were removed (lake level at 639') from the LAX Sailing Club in anticipation of minor flooding of Lake Onalaska. Multiple items were moved to higher ground or tied down. On June 27, an inspection tour with Jim Shugue and his pontoon boat, revealed that all boats were secure, including four lasers stored atop the picnic tables in the shelter (lake level at 641.5').  We also have photos as the water went higher. See more photos... 

Lake Onalaska Dredging Project

Brice Prairie Conservation Association is sponsoring a project on the north shore of Lake Onalasaka to improve fish habitat and boat navigation via dredging. Permits have been approved and the project is likely to be started in the fall of 2024. Please, support this project supported by an organization with an eye for great future projects to make Lake Onalaska a better place to sail!

Make a donation by various means; the easiest is GoFundMe.

  Here's more information about how to donate... 





Shop for your favorite LAX Sailor

Commodore Brad Dinsmoor has shirts and hats for sale. Polos are $23, tees $12, hats $15.    




The LAX Sailing Club is a cooperative of sailboat owners, who share the responsibilities of maintaining the club grounds and various events for sailors.

More about Membership


LaCrosse Sailing Club
PO Box 2582 LaCrosse, WI 54602-2582
3600 Lakeshore Drive on French Island LaCrosse, WI 54603
Contact Us


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